In our conversations with returning mums, they often tell me that their line manager was ‘make or break’ to a successful and positive return to work.
However, we also know that line managers – even if well intentioned - don’t always have the knowledge, training or understanding to provide this support and deliver a best-practice experience.
Our series of three, 15-minute bite-size parental training videos upskill line managers and give them a framework to work to. The videos cover:
The lived experience of working parents when they go through the maternity transition
Setting your expectant parent up for a successful return
How to ease the transition back into work
How to recognise the barriers in place that prevent working mums progressing and how to help them stay on their career pathways.
You can see a snippet from the training here:
This training is quick and easy to set up. You can buy an ‘off the shelf’ version that can be hosted on your Learning Management System immediately, or the videos can be tailored to meet your organisation's needs.
The videos cost from £2,000 for an annual licence for three, pre-recorded Zoom videos in mp4 format. A three-year licence is available for £5,000. All prices are exclusive of VAT.
Book a call and let’s chat about how this training can help your line managers provide a best-practice experience for your returners, so they come back to work with greater confidence, less anxiety and are fully supported to stay on their career pathways.
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