Parental Allyship Training
A family friendly culture attracts and retains talented people who want to do rewarding work while being a parent.
All employees can play their part in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for pregnant employees and returning parents, so your workplace feels like a great fit for people who are caring for children.
Our Parental Allyship Training shows leaders, managers and colleagues how to create a family friendly culture, sharing a best-practice framework that will make expectant parents feel supported and valued.
We work with your employees to help them develop appropriate attitudes and behaviours, which is key to creating inclusive environments for the long-term.
We also show managers how to make sure that returning parents do not face barriers to progression, reducing gender pay gaps and increasing diversity at senior levels.

Bite-Size Video Training
Our bite-size parental training videos upskill line managers and give them a best-practice framework to work to. This training helps managers ease returners in successfully, so they return with greater confidence and less anxiety, working with them to help remove any barriers that prevent working mums from continuing on their career pathways.
A series of three pre-recorded bite-size videos, each 10-15 minutes long, is provided alongside our parental leave pdf checklist for managers.
Managers would watch these videos when they have a team member:
about to go on maternity leave
returning from maternity leave
back at work after maternity leave
The videos cover:
The lived experience of working parents when they go through the maternity transition, so that everyone understands the business case for supporting returners on retention, engagement and career development, and is motivated to help.
Setting your expectant parent up for a successful return, considering how to cover the maternity leave and putting in place a communications plan for while they are away.
How to ease the transition back into work, including flexible working, using Keep in Touch days, phased returns, so parents ease back in and productivity stays high.
How to recognise the barriers in place that prevent working mums progressing and how to help them stay on their career pathways.
From £2,000 for an annual licence for three, pre-recorded Zoom videos in mp4 format, hosted on your Learning Management System. A three-year licence is available for £5,000. All prices are exclusive of VAT.
If required, the videos can be tailored to meet your organisation's needs.
Parental Allyship Training
Parental Benchmarking
Parental Awareness Events