Written by Dr Emma Waltham | Parental Returners Expert
To coincide with Women in Engineering Day on 23 June, my new Parental Awareness Webinar shows managers how they can help support expectant and returning parents.
I'm currently working with a number of engineering organisations and noticed that inconsistent manager support for returning parents has become an issue.
To coincide with Women in Engineering Day on 23 June, I've created a training that raises awareness of how managers can help support expectant and returning parents, so that organisations retain returning mums and keep a strong female talent pipeline.
The Parental Awareness Webinar is a virtual, 60-minute session that shows managers the business case for supporting this experienced talent pool. It gives them:
A best-practice framework for how to appropriately and confidently keep in touch and ease employees back in, so that the employee experience is consistently positive, meaning parents want to stay in the organisation and are supported to perform at their full potential.
Insights into how the maternal life transition can affect confidence and productivity, so that managers gain an appreciation of what a major life change this is and understand how they can retain and help women continue their career development after maternity leave.
The business case for supporting women through the maternity transition, so that managers see why keeping in touch and avoiding maternity bias is a priority for attracting more women into the organisation and increasing gender diversity at senior levels.
The session is live, with time for Q&A with a parental transition expert, making this Parental Awareness Webinar the simplest solution to upskilling managers, which allows organisations to create stronger female talent pipelines.
Let me know if this is something you’d like to offer your managers on Women in Engineering Day on 23 June.